Brazilian boxer Thiago Teixeira

🇧🇷 Brazilian boxer Thiago Teixeira is happy to find evidence of the origins of Khmer martial arts on the walls of Angkor Wat 🇰🇭, in which he acknowledges the origins of Muay Thai that he has practiced since he was a child. 16 years is really from Cambodia 👏 #SoccerKH 🇧🇷 កីឡាករប្រដាល់ប្រេស៊ីល Thiago Teixeira បង្ហាញអារម្មណ៍រីករាយដែលបានស្វែងយល់ពីភស្តុតាងនៃប្រភពក្បាច់គុនខ្មែនៅតាមជញ្ជាំងប្រាសាទអង្គរវត្ត 🇰🇭 ហើយក្នុងនោះគាត់បានប្រកាសទទួលស្គាល់ថាប្រភពក្បាច់គុន Muay Thai ដែលខ្លួនគាត់បានហាត់តាំងពីអាយុ 16ឆ្នាំ គឺពិជាមានប្រភពកើតចេញពីប្រទេសខ្មែរពិតមែន 👏 #SoccerKH 🇧🇷 Thiago Teixeira นักมวยชาวบราซิลมีความสุขที่ได้พบหลักฐานต้นกำเนิดของศิลปะการต่อสู้เขมรบนกำแพงนครวัด 🇰🇭 ซึ่งเขายอมรับว่าต้นกำเนิดของมวยไทยที่เขาฝึกฝนตั้งแต่อายุ 16 ปีนั้นเป็นจริง จากกัมพูชา👏 #ฟุตบอลคช

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